

Location Icon - Job Board X Webflow Template
Seattle, WA
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1,000 - 1,000,000

About the company

Modern enterprises have to manage exponentially-growing exabyte-scale data stores comprised mostly of unstructured data. Someone (often IT) has the difficult job of staying on top of managing these data stores, which becomes more difficult to do as enterprise datasets expand from the data center to the edge and cloud. And while scale and complexity are rising, budgets and staff are not.Existing solutions suffer from two crucial shortcomings: Complexity and platform lock-in. Legacy solutions are excruciatingly complex to deploy and manage. And nearly every solution restricts users to running in only the data center and on expensive, inflexible proprietary hardware platforms.Qumulo is the simple way to manage exabyte-scale data anywhere — edge, core, or cloud — on the platform of your choice. In a world with trillions of files and objects comprising 100+ zettabytes worldwide, companies need a solution that combines the ability to work anywhere with simplicity. This is precisely what Qumulo was founded to accomplish.


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